Escorts for cuddles

Posted by Admin in Blog, Escorts For Cuddles
Escorts For Cuddles

This is probably no secret to most of our existing clientele, but for those of you who wouldn’t have thought so, we get many guys booking escorts for cuddles. Why is that you may wonder. Firstly, our London escorts are experts when it comes to accommodating a man’s needs, and the need can easily be for a giant hug. Secondly, escorts are sexy, hot babes, and what man do you know who’s sexual orientation is heterosexual that does not like getting up close to a sexy, hot woman? In fact, what man do you know who-regardless of sexual preferences, doesn’t want to get warm and tender GFE from a sexy, hot woman? Thirdly, everybody need a little love sometimes. Cuddling is just one of the ways that we interact as human beings to show affection. It can be totally platonic. Non invasive too, which is what makes it pure.

Hug Me Up Tight

With the current climate being the way it is, one might find themselves longing for engagement with an escort. We get it! Escorts for cuddles is far from a new phenomenon, nor has the popularity for this interaction increased. It’s just a real and genuine need that people have for our own sanity and well being. Alison Renner offers a list of the great benefits that cuddles offer due the chemical we release called oxytocin. I for one am in total agreeance. The minute i get a giant hug I’m a happy bunny. The part when she describes that walking into a crowd of people who you aren’t familiar with can make you feel totally different when greeted with a hug! That rings true for me. However, why go out to a party alone when you can easily have one of our best party escorts escort you to one.

You get the drift.  The overall point here is that, a girl friend experience escort is always a number one request, and how lovely is that? We can’t help the way of the world today but we can jolly well be one with nature and enjoy escorts for cuddles and have the perfect escort experience.

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